Third group of #wcbrn speakers

Meet our third group of WordCamp Bern speakers – Cinzia Gabellini, Stefan Kremer, Boris Baldinger, Gregory Dzemaili and Christian Zumbrunnen

We’d like to present our next group of speakers to you.

Cinzia Gabellini

Cinzia Gabellini is an e-learning designer and adult trainer interested in online learning, instructional design and open education. She takes care of educational technologies at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, where WordPress is part of the educational infrastructure and used to support digital learning and teaching, such as collaborative writing or course content authoring.

Stefan Kremer

Stefan Kremer: founder of, WordPress enthusiast, lately Community Manager, bon vivant and afficionado. Being administrator of several macOS server, PBXs and of course ownCloud and WordPress instances I’m vocally obliged to privacy and security. Evangelist for all on-prem-solutions with a slight propensity for paranoia. Admin by nature so to say.

Boris Baldinger

Father and Business Photographer based in 🇨🇭 | Speaking about social media and photography | Co-Founder of  – Influencer Marketing Agency.

Gregory Dzemaili

Gregory Dzemaili is the founder, owner and head coach of Lebe Stark Personal Training; a Personal Training Service and Gym based in the eastern part of Switzerland. With 4 years of experience as a certiefeid fitness instructor, Blackroll- and Kettlebell Trainer, he’s equipped with a solid, professional and necessary foundation in fitness and strength traininig. After 10 years of working professionally in the music industry, he finally built his dream and enterprise in helping people achiever their fitness goals.
Himself being a passionate strength and endurance athlete for over 10 years, he’s not only a Personal Trainer but an experienced advocate of his genre. Blick Am Abend, Thurgauer Zeitung and 20 Minuten also confirm his knowledge as a coach. Gregory also runs his own fitness blog on his website as well as his own Youtube Channel with the strong desire in his heart to help other people.

Christian Zumbrunnen

Christian ist hauptberuflich bei switchplus tätig, wo er unter anderem dazu beiträgt, dass switchplus ihre eigenen Websites mit WordPress betreibt und zukunftsweisende, WordPress basierte Produkte anbietet. Christian ist stolz darauf, Teil des Teams zu sein, welches kürzlich PRESENCE lancierte, eine (auf WordPress basierende) Komplettlösung für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen, die im Internet erfolgreich sein wollen.

Sein Engagement für Einsteiger zeigt sich an seinen Kursen zu WordPress/Woocommerce, unter anderem, an der Migros Klubschule.
